2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Approved 2019-2020 Catalog Changes

Updated March 30, 2020

Pass-No Pass Grading Option

The pass-no pass grading option encourages students to enrich their education beyond the general education requirements, their majors, and areas of academic strength. Instructors are not aware students have elected the pass-no pass grading option. At the end of the term, they will submit a traditional letter grade for each student. Traditional letter grades are converted as follows: satisfactory or better (C- and higher) to passing (P); marginal (D+, D and D-) to marginal pass (PD); and failing (F) to not passing (NP). Grades of P, PD and NP do not affect the grade point average.


Students may not elect to use the pass-no pass grading option until they have successfully completed 28 credits of Furman coursework. This prohibition is waived for the spring 2020 semester.


A student may elect to enroll up to 12 credits through the pass-no pass grading option during their undergraduate career at Furman. If students elect to use the pass-no pass grading option for courses enrolled in the spring 2020 semester, those courses will not count against the 12-credit limit. The deadline for electing the pass-no pass grading option for spring 2020 courses is May 18, 2020 for May 2020 degree candidates, August 14, 2020 for August 2020 degree candidates and August 31, 2020 for all other students. No student may elect the pass-no pass option for more than 8 credits in a single semester. The eight-credit per-semester limit is waived for the spring 2020 semester.


Courses enrolled through the pass-no pass grading option may not satisfy a general education requirement. Students may use the pass-no pass option in a course that fulfills any general education requirement, however once the pass-no pass option is elected, the student forfeits any general education credits associated with the course. For this reason, pass-no pass requests for courses which carry any general education credit must be approved by the student’s advisor. Additionally, students may not use the pass-no pass grading option for any prerequisites leading to the fulfillment of the FL GER. Once the FL GER has been fulfilled, students may enroll in courses in another foreign language through the pass-no pass grading option, provided that the courses are not a major requirement or offered through a student’s major department.


Students may not elect the pass-no pass grading option for any major requirement or any course offered through their major department. A course in which a passing (P) or marginal pass (PD) grade has been recorded before the time of major declaration may not contribute to a student’s major requirements unless specifically approved by the major department.


Students may not request to use the pass-no pass grading option unless they are in good academic standing at the time of the request, regardless of the semester in which the course in question was completed. Students may not exercise the pass-no pass grading option for any course registered during a term when they are on academic probation. In addition, students may not select this option for any course registered in a term after serving a suspension for academic reasons. Given the extreme circumstances of spring 2020 semester, these prohibitions are waived for the spring 2020 semester. Even during the spring 2020 semester, students may not select the pass-no pass option in any situation, including a specific course, where a student has been found responsible for an academic integrity violation.


Students may not elect the pass-no pass option for courses offered through Furman study away programs. This prohibition is waived for Furman study away courses offered on Furman faculty-led programs during the spring 2020 semester. Exceptions to use the pass-no pass grading option for courses associated with study away programs may be requested by individual program directors and will be granted only with the approval of the Associate Academic Dean and the Director of the Rinker Center for Study Away and International Education. If such approval is granted, it will be made available to all students in the course.


With the exception of courses enrolled during the spring 2020 semester, once students have successfully completed 28 credits at Furman, they may elect the pass-no pass grading option for any course they have enrolled consistent with stated eligibility rules at any time during their academic career but no later than the conclusion of the final exam period during their last term at Furman. However, courses enrolled prior to the implementation of this policy in fall 2016 are not eligible for the retroactive application of a pass-no pass grading option.


All courses that a student completes through the pass-no pass grading option contribute to the 12-credit limit, except for pass-no pass elections made for spring 2020 courses, and once selected the pass-no pass grading option designation cannot be revoked. Withdrawal from a course graded through the pass-no pass grading option will not contribute to the 12-credit limit. Courses graded on a pass-no pass basis only do not contribute to meeting the 12-credit pass-no pass grading option limit.

Updated as of January 15, 2020


New or revised courses

ACC 311   - course description/name change

ACC 312   - course description/name change

ACC 370   - course description/name change

ANT 262   new

ART 272   new

BUS 271   new

BUS 302   new

COM 314   new

COM 419   new

EDU 235   new

ENG 476   - WR status added

FRN 430   - TA and WR status added

GRM 261   new

GRM 315   new

HSC 215   new

HUM 115   new

MUS 281   new

MXP 115   new

MXP 122   new

MXP 131   new

MXP 151   new

MXP 161   new

MXP 209   new

MXP 250   new

POL 255   - course number changed

PHY 451   - WR status added

PSY 328   new

PSY 417   new

REL 253   new

REL 317   - WR status added

REL 370   new

REL 372   new

REL 475   - WR status added

SPN 332   - WR status added

THA 106   new

THA 281   new


Student Handbook changes


Introduction: www.furman.edu/birs link updated


Student Conduct Code

Disorderly Assembly: Use of University Space link updated

Weapons Policy:  updated policy and definition of weapon


Housing and Residence Life Policies

Health and Safety Inspections: updated Living Unit Entry, Search and Confiscation Policy link

Posting of Flyers: updated Posting of Signs and Banners Policy link and https://furman.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/152029 link


Student Organization Policies and Procedures

Space Reservations: updated Use of University Space policy link

On-Campus Events with Alcohol: updated the Use of University Space Policy link and updated University’s Alcohol Policy link

Applicability of other University Policies: updated Student Conduct Code link


Non-Academic Student Policies

Student Tailgates: updated Tailgating at Major Athletic Events link, updated Athletics Department link, updated click here link for ordering tables, chairs, tens, and water barrels.


Non-Academic Administrative Policies

Use of University Space: updated to space request in Trone Student Center link, updated 370.5 “Contract Approval and Signature Authority” link, updated University calendar link