2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 22, 2024  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses at Furman are typically identified by codes separated into three distinct parts. The first segment designates the academic subject of the course, the second component relates to the level of instruction, and the final element (when displayed) assists with the identification of the meeting times and location for individual course sections.

Credit bearing undergraduate courses typically are numbered between 100 and 599, graduate instruction is typically numbered between 600 and 999, while zero credit experiences frequently have numbers between 001 and 099. Undergraduates can further expect courses numbers to reflect:

100-299 introductory courses, geared to freshmen and sophomores
300-499 advanced courses, designed for majors and other students with appropriate background and/or prerequisites
500-599 individualized instruction, including internships, research, independent study, and music performance studies


  • MTH-250 Vector Calculus

    Prerequisite:MTH-151  and MTH-160  
    Introduction to multivariate and vector calculus. Topics include vector functions and the differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables including Green?s Theorem and Stokes? Theorem. 4 credits.
  • MTH-255 Differential Equations

    Prerequisite:MTH-151  and MTH-160  
    Introduction to the theory, methods, and applications of ordinary differential equations, including first- and higher-order differential equations, series solutions, systems, approximate methods, Laplace transforms, and phase plane analysis. 4 credits.
  • MTH-260 Transition to Higher Mathematics

    Prerequisite: MTH-150   
    Introduction to the main ideas and proof techniques of mathematics with an emphasis on reading, writing and understanding mathematical reasoning. Among the topics covered are logic, proof techniques, sets, cardinality, combinatorial enumeration, mathematical induction, relations, functions, and others selected by the instructor. 4 credits.
  • MTH-301 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I

    Problem solving and mathematical reasoning; sets and set operations; functions; numeration systems; the systems of whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers; algorithms; mental computation; elementary number theory; teaching strategies, materials, and technologies for these topics in grades pre K-6. 4 credits.
  • MTH-302 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II

    Prerequisite: MTH-301 
    Decimals and percents; elementary probability; descriptive statistics; geometry of shapes in two and three dimensions; congruence and similarity; measurement; geometric transformations; teaching strategies, materials, and technologies for these topics in grades pre K-6 and field-based experiences in area schools. 4 credits.
  • MTH-320 Number Theory

    Prerequisite: MTH-151   and MTH-260  
    Introduction to the arithmetic properties of the integers including divisibility, congruences, diophantine equations, primes and their distribution, quadratic forms and quadratic reciprocity. Additional topics will be chosen from continued fractions, cryptography, partitions, elliptic curves, modular forms and number fields. 4 credits.
  • MTH-325 Modern Geometry

    Prerequisite: MTH-151  and MTH-260  
    Development of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Topics include axiom systems, models, congruence theorems, parallel postulates, and the philosophical and historical background to geometry. 4 credits.
  • MTH-330 Combinatorics and Graph Theory

    Prerequisite: MTH-151   and MTH-260  
    A study of the primary methods and fundamental ideas of combinatorics and graph theory. Topics covered include generating functions, set partitions, recurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion, trees, graph connectivity, independence, and graph colorings. Additional topics will be chosen from Ramsey theory, set systems, planarity, directed graphs, matchings, and Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs. 4 credits.
  • MTH-335 Mathematical Models and Applications

    Prerequisite: MTH-250  and MTH-255 
    A selection of mathematical models using various continuous and discrete methods and having applications in business and the social and biological sciences. Included are ecological models, epidemic models, Richardson146s arms race model, and population growth models. Other topics discussed are linear programming, voting problems, and Markov chains. 4 credits.
  • MTH-337 Operations Research

    Prerequisite: MTH-151  and MTH-160  
    Application of mathematical modeling and analytical methods to make better decisions. Topics include modeling, algorithm design, discrete linear function optimization with linear constraints, convexity, duality, sensitivity analysis, and optimality criteria. 4 credits.
  • MTH-340 Probability

    Prerequisite: MTH-250 
    Calculus-based course in probability, covering counting, discrete and continuous probability, random variables, important probability distributions, joint distributions, expectation, moment generating functions, and applications of probability. 4 credits.
  • MTH-341 Mathematical Statistics

    Prerequisite: MTH-340 
    Calculus based course in statistics covering sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, chi-square tests, regression, correlation, analysis of variance, experimental design, and nonparametric statistics. 4 credits.
  • MTH-350 Complex Variables

    Prerequisite: MTH-250 
    Study of the complex plane and the calculus of functions of a complex variable. Topics to be considered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, limits and derivatives of functions of a complex variable, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integrals, Taylor and Laurent series, and residues. 4 credits.
  • MTH-360 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory

    Prerequisite: MTH-151 MTH-160  and MTH-260  
    Study of finite dimensional real vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner product spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 4 credits.
  • MTH-420 Topology

    Prerequisite: MTH-151  and MTH-260  
    Introduction to concepts in topology including the following: topological spaces, metric spaces, continuity, homeomorphisms, neighborhoods, closed sets and closure, basis and sub-basis for a topology, subspaces, product spaces, connectivity, compactness, and separation axioms. 4 credits.
  • MTH-435 Scientific Computation

    Prequisite: MTH-255 and CSC-121
    This course provides a practical introduction to computational problem solving. Topics covered include floating point arithmetic, sources of error, conditioning and numerical stability, root finding, numerical linear algebra, systems of ordinary differential equations, and scientific programming. 4 credits.
  • MTH-450 Real Analysis

    Prerequisite: MTH-151  and MTH-260  
    A theoretical introduction to some of the basic ideas of real analysis: real numbers and the topology of the real line, sequences and series of real numbers, limits of functions, continuity, uniform continuity, differentiation, the Riemann integral, and sequences and series of functions. 4 credits.
  • MTH-451 Topics in Analysis

    Prerequisite: MTH-450 
    An in-depth investigation of selected topics in analysis. 4 credits.
  • MTH-460 Modern Algebra

    Prerequisite: MTH-151  and MTH-260  
    A theoretical introduction to some of the basic ideas of modern abstract algebra. Included is a study of groups, rings, domains, polynomial rings and fields as well as an investigation of their sub-structures and of the fundamental homomorphism theorems. 4 credits.
  • MTH-461 Topics in Algebra

    Prerequisite: MTH-460 
    An in-depth investigation of selected topics in abstract algebra. 4 credits.
  • MTH-502 Research

    Theoretical or applied research in mathematics with potential for publication in professional journals and/or presentation at professional meetings. Variable credit. Variable credit.
  • MTH-503 Individualized Internship

    In consultation with a faculty sponsor, students develop internships, identify objectives, read literature, complete writing assignments related to their internship, and submit reflective summaries of their activities. Course will not count as a major elective for mathematics, mathematics-economics, or computing and applied mathematics majors. Pass-no pass only. Variable credit.
  • MTH-504 Directed Independent Study

    Study of an area of mathematics of interest to the student that is not part of one of the listed courses. The student must choose a faculty member to direct the study and, together with this faculty member, prepare a description of the material to be covered and submit it to the department chair for approval. May only contribute to major requirements at discretion of the chair. Variable credit.

May Experience

  • MXP-110 Building a Bicycle Friendly University

    Exploring what Furman is currently doing to encourage and promote cycling on campus and beyond. Examining the components that make up a “bike-friendly” campus. Evaluating Furman against the five categories upon which The National League of Bicyclists judge candidates: Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation & Planning. Developing a plan to make Furman more bicycle friendly. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-120 Storytelling

    Prerequisite: instructor permission
    An analysis of oral storytelling in various genres, asking the question, “What makes a good story?” Students will have the opportunity to try their own skills as raconteurs in classroom and public venues. Practical application of storytelling in various fields will also be discussed. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-125 Reading Experience

    This course helps students develop the skills to become lifelong readers. Students will immerse in reading experiences and share their reflections. Book clubs within the class will read banned books and present on specific genres to the class. Students will finish by creating a summer to-read list. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-130 Virtual Identities

    Students will explore what it means to construct, present and experience the self as an avatar. They will investigate decisions people make in identity creation, possible reasons behind the decisions, and the impact these choices have on an individual’s behavior and interactions in a virtual environment. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-135 Baseball: A Game of Life

    The development and growth of professional baseball in the United States in its formative years of the nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century. The development of the game will be revealed through its mirroring of American culture in the time period including the topics of emerging national societies and associations, labor/management relations, racial and ethnic conflicts, immigration, criminal elements and antitrust issues. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-140 Considering Sustainable Food Practices

    Explores three popular strategies of sustainable food systems -diets based on organic, vegetarian, and/or local agriculture- and examines which aspects are truly beneficial and which lead to unexpected consequences for the individual, the environment, and society. Students will evaluate and synthesize information on food sustainability from diverse sources including readings, movies, speakers, visits to local farms and markets, and hands-on experiences. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-143 Yoga in America

    History of yoga and its proliferation into American culture. Students will read excerpts from foundational yoga texts including the Bhagavad Gita, The Upanisads, and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and consider the recent popular text Subtle Body: The Story of Yoga in America as one explanation of how American gurus have reinvented traditional yoga to fit into the American lifestyle. Daily yoga practice, class discussions, weekly reflective writing, and a video research project will be required. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-145 Electronic Arts and Crafts

    Exploring interactive projects that artists, designers and crafters have made using technology while designing our e-Arts&Crafts project using Arduino (an electronics prototyping platform, including microcontroller board and software development environment) and other electronic supplies, such as LEDs, various sensors, and conductive thread and paint. No computer programming experience required - Arduino is easy to use for creating interactive projects, and designed for artists, designers, and hobbyists. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-146 Remote Sensing using Arduinos

    In this class we will explore electronic sensor projects while designing our own project using Arduino (an electronics prototyping platform, including microcontroller board and software development environment). No computer programming experience required - Arduino is easy to use for creating interactive projects, and is designed for inexperienced designers and hobbyists. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-150 Sociology of Harry Potter

    The first segment will center on using the world of Harry Potter as a lens to illustrate and examine sociological theories, concepts, and issues, such as race, class, gender, and religion. The second segment will then investigate whether and how the Harry Potter series, as a social phenomenon, has impacted some of these issues in the real world. [Having read (a majority of) the HP book series is expected before taking this course.] May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-157 Sociology of the Simpsons

    This course will begin with a brief discussion of The Simpsons as a social and cultural phenomenon. The remainder of the course will focus on The Simpsons (and the social commentary embedded in it) as a tool for analyzing sociological concepts. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-160 Design for Social Change

    An experiential learning course that immerses students in the revitalization of the Poinsett District, an urban corridor in Greenville, SC. Students will learn how to effectively use the human-centered design thinking proces by engaging with community partners to research, prototype and test implementable solutions for problems that are uncovered. The expectation is that the student created projects will be implemented in communities on the Poinsett Corridor and will have a lasting effect beyond the life of the course. Students will walk through the process of design thinking to create a tangible outcome. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-170 Catapulted through Time

    Prerequisite: Any first year writing seminar
    Whether pulled back into the past or projected into the future, time travelers appear throughout works of fiction and popular culture. Students will investigate representations in literature, television, film, and radio broadcasts, and will experience “time travel” through weekly visits to historic house museums, area exhibitions, and local cultural organizations,culminating in the production of an innovative online exhibition that frames and interprets an array of primary sources. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-175 Why We Swim

    Prerequisite: Any first year writing seminar
    Exploring swimming as a cultural practice, reading literature, analyzing art, and discussing its history, including racial segregation in the U.S. Students will swim frequently in pools and open water and make connections between their swimming and the readings and site visits. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-205 Math and the Mouse: Mathematics and Science of Walt Disney World

    Prerequisite: MTH-145  or MTH-150  
    Exploring the mathematics and science behind Walt Disney World (WDW). Students will immerse themselves in different aspects of the operations of WDW to explore various real-world applications of mathematical sciences. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-208 Computers in Science Fiction

    This course will examine how computers have been portrayed in science fiction, and the issues raised when people contemplate the future direction of technology. For example, can a robot be human? Do computers lead to wars or other disasters? We will evaluate the accuracy and plausibility of the technology as well as the messages conveyed by the authors. May Experience ONLY. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-212 Soccer and Society

    Examination of a number of contemporary social, political and economic issues through the lens of soccer. Major topics of discussion will include nationalism and sectarian violence, the impact of globalization on local societies, the success or failure of assimilation, patterns of global labor migration, and issues related to gender and sport. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-215 History and Botany of the Carolinas

    An analysis of the work of the earliest European scientists to explore the Carolinas in the early 18th Century. It will be an engaged learning experience in history,botany, and image-based, computer assisted collaborative scholarship. May Experience ONLY. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-220 Public Intellectual 3.0: Real World, Virtual World, Virtual World Myth

    Academics as public intellectuals have faced historical challenges to commitments to creating a public presence. The New Media (blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook) now add additional challenges as well as opportunities for the Public Intellectual 3.0. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-225 English Explortions: the New Woman Imperiled

    Prerequisite: successful completion of a First Year Writing Seminar
    At the fin de sile, “The New Woman” became both a flash point for British fears of social change and an emblem of hope for the coming century. Exploring these cultural shifts through materialist analysis of three works of fiction (The Romance of a Shop, Tess of the d’Urbervilles, and Dracula). May Experience ONLY. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-240 Travel Writing

    Introduce students to effective and engaged traveling through the experience of reading, writing, and thinking about what it means to travel. Study travel writings, such as essays, blogs, cultural guides and criticism, and journals by ancient, modern, and contemporary writers. Different iterations of the course will allow students to travel to various international locations and study how travel writing shapes political, social, and cultural perceptions of people and places. May be repeated for credit with change of topic and/or instructor. May Experience only. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-251 Applied Sports Analytics

    Prerequisite: any MR (Mathematics and Formal Reasoning) requirement and instructor permission
    An examination that will focus on developing and evaluating statistical tools for analyzing various aspects of sports. Will investigate the increasing use of and concurrent resistance to analytics in sports. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-260 Botswana Paradox

    Examination of cultural factors affecting HIV/AIDS and a variety of programs in Botswana designed to prevent its spread and provide treatment. Exploration into the possible reasons for the paradox, where the government is actively involved in abating the virus, but the rate of infection is still one of the highest in the world, will include visits to several agencies and organizations working to ameliorate the crisis. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-300 Poverty, Medicine, & Law

    This course familiarizes Pre-Law, Pre-Health, and Poverty Studies students with Medical-Legal Partnerships in preparation for internships. It entails intensive coursework and extensive fieldwork in medical and legal settings in Greenville County. May Experience ONLY. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MXP-433 Communication, Culture and Identity in New Zealand

    Travel study program to New Zealand examining the role of mass media in shaping and reviving the identity of its inhabitants as Maori, Pakeha, and New Zealanders. Readings will help to understand the historical context for the emergence of these identities. Students will visit museums, education centers, and Maori cultural sites, as well as radio and television stations in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. They will also meet with prominent scholars and with New Zealand politicians who make broadcast policy. These contacts, along with the assigned readings, will prepare students for writing assignments in which they analyze the impact of media institutions and practices on the creation of identity. May Experience ONLY. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.

Middle East and Islamic Studies

  • MES-401 Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Capstone Seminar

    Explorations of the Middle East and Islam from multiple perspectives including an extensive research paper asking students to integrate distinct methodological and substantive elements from other courses. 4 credits. 4 credits.

Military Science Leadership

  • MSL-101 Introduction to Leadership I

    Introduction to challenges and competencies critical for effective leadership. Development of life skills such as goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management as they relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. 0 credits.
  • MSL-102 Introduction to Leadership II

    Overview of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. Exploring dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. 0 credits.
  • MSL-111 American Military History

    Historical perspective on decisions made by American military leaders and study of major military engagements from the colonial period through the current operating environment. Examination of motivational devices, battle strategies, rules of engagement, supply management, transportation, and logistics. Review of approaches officers used throughout history to lead their troops into battle and inspire them to victory that cadets can continue to employ today. Limited to freshman and sophomores interested in participating in the ROTC program. 4 credits.
  • MSL-201 Foundations of Leadership I

    Explorations of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework. Aspects of personal motivation and team building are practiced by planning, executing and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. 2 credits.
  • MSL-202 Foundations of Leaderships II

    Examination of the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex Contemporary Operating Environment (COE). Highlighting dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Continued study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. Cadets develop greater self awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. 2 credits.
  • MSL-301 Tactical Leadership

    Study, practice, and evaluation of adaptive team leadership skills learned throughout the first two years of the Military Science Leadership program while presented with the demands of the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). Challenging scenarios related to small unit tactical operations are used to develop self awareness and critical thinking skills. Systematic and specific feedback on leadership abilities within the 23 leadership dimensions. 2 credits.
  • MSL-302 Applied Leadership

    Continued development and preparation for the demands of ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). Serves as the final evaluation of the Cadets’ leadership philosophy, style and character prior to taking a position on the Cadet staff. Increasingly complex and challenging leadership scenarios to develop ability to lead under pressure. Systematic and specific feedback on leadership abilities within the 23 leadership dimensions. 2 credits.
  • MSL-401 Development Leadership

    Developing proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Situational opportunities to assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC cadets. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare students to transition to becoming an Army officer. 2 credits.
  • MSL-402 Adaptive Leadership

    The dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the Contemporary Operating Environment (COE). Examination of differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, rules of engagement and law of land warfare in the face of international terrorism. Exploring aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support. 2 credits.

Modern Languages and Literatures

  • MLL-050 Community Based Learning

    Community-based service or teaching project linking the classroom to the community in a process of experiential learning. 0 credits.
  • MLL-50 Community Based Learning

    Community-based service or teaching project linking the classroom to the community in a process of experiential learning. 0 credits.
  • MLL-120 Reading Literature in Translation

    GER: TA (Critical, Analytical Interpretation of Texts)
    Reading and analyzing literature in translation. Introduction to such concepts as point of view, plot, character, imagery, symbolism, rhyme scheme and dialogue, and to various interpretive approaches. Written assignments provide practice in clarifying the understanding of literature. Topics are published prior to each term. 4 credits.
  • MLL-221 Language and Identity: Spain

    Prerequisite: SPN-201  or higher
    Study of how language relates to culture and the formation of identity. Students typically travel to a Spanish-speaking country or a Spanish-speaking region in the U.S. to examine extant minority language(s) alongside the various regional practices and notions of identity in areas of language contact with Spanish. Instruction in English. May Experience ONLY. Instruction in English. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MLL-223 Slow Food, Italian Style

    On-campus study of contemporary food production and consumption, as well as principles and practices of the Slow Food movement, followed by stay on an organic farm in Italy, to observe and participate in traditional food production and preparation. May Experience ONLY. 2 credits.
  • MLL-235 French Cinema

    GER: VP (Visual and Performing Arts)
    Prerequisite: any first year writing seminar
    Survey of French and Francophone cinema from the 1920s to the present day. Topics will include the historical context of each era, the principal film genres, directors, actors, film theory and criticism. All readings and lectures will be in English; all films will be subtitled. Students may not receive credit for both FRN-465  and MLL-235 . 4 credits.
  • MLL-236 Nazi Cinema and Culture

    GER: VP (Visual and Performing Arts)
    Prerequisite: any first year writing seminar
    Exploration of the history and the aesthetics of fascist cinema. During the years between the Nazis’ rise to power in 1933 and the end of World War II in 1945, cinema was part and parcel of the fascist state, leading some critics to speculate whether the “Third Reich” was perhaps “movie-made.” All readings and lectures will be in English; all films will be subtitled. Students may not receive credit for both GRM-466  and MLL-236 . 4 credits.
  • MLL-245 African Literature

    GER: TA (Critical, Analytical Interpretation of Texts) and WC (World Cultures)
    The development of African Literature from the early 1900s to the present. Focus on the representation of society, culture and peoples of African ancestry, the tumultuous changes resulting from colonial and neocolonial influences, the question of language vis-195 -vis African creative writing, and the emergence of national and transnational identities. Authors include: Achebe, Mariama Ba, Emecheta, Bessie Head, Ngugi, Oyono, Sembene, and newly established writers. 4 credits.
  • MLL-350 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

    Prerequisite: ENG-362 , FRN-405 , GRM-405 , LNG-210 , LNG-405  or SPN 300  .
    Development of linguistic, cultural, and pedagogical competence in teaching English as a second or foreign language. 4 credits.
  • MLL-450 Teaching Foreign Language Methods, K-12

    Prerequisite:EDU-111 , EDU-120 , EDU-221  and admission to the Teacher Education Program.
    Introduction to a variety of language learning theories, with opportunities to develop materials and practice techniques appropriate to teaching foreign languages on any level. Field observations required. Emphasis on the teaching of the four skills, testing, culture, technology, and the development of foreign language proficiency. 4 credits.
  • MLL-501 Independent Study

    Variable credit.


  • MUS-050 Recital Attendance

    0 credits.
  • MUS-051 Freshman Music Colloquium

    0 credits.
  • MUS-060 Symphony Orchestra

    0 credits.
  • MUS-061 Furman Band

    0 credits.
  • MUS-062 Furman Singers

    0 credits.
  • MUS-063 Men’s Chorale

    0 credits.
  • MUS-064 Women’s Chorale

    0 credits.
  • MUS-065 Chamber Choir

    0 credits.
  • MUS-066 Oratorio Chorus

    0 credits.
  • MUS-067 Jazz Ensemble

    0 credits.
  • MUS-068 Jazz Combo

    0 credits.
  • MUS-069 Brass Ensemble

    0 credits.
  • MUS-070 Woodwind Ensemble

    0 credits.
  • MUS-071 Percussion Ensemble

    0 credits.
  • MUS-072 String Ensemble

    0 credits.
  • MUS-073 String Quartet

    0 credits.
  • MUS-074 Saxophone Quartet

    0 credits.
  • MUS-076 Guitar Ensemble

    0 credits.
  • MUS-101 Introduction to Music

    GER: VP (Visual and Performing Arts)
    Introduction to the fundamentals of music, exploring a variety of musical genres, and developing an appreciation of the diverse musical genres. Although the focus157 for each section varies, all sections address certain fundamentals of music: listening skills, cultural context, historical development, musical vocabulary, musical structure, and style. Requires out-of-class listening and attendance at live concerts. Descriptions of the sections are published during the enrollment period for each term. Requires out-of-class listening and attendance at live concerts. 4 credits.
  • MUS-102 Introduction to Jazz

    GER: VP (Visual and Performing Arts)
    Historical overview of the development of jazz. Intended for non-music majors. Includes the study of significant artists and their recordings in a social and historical context. 4 credits.
  • MUS-103 Classic Rock

    GER: VP (Visual and Performing Arts)
    Historical overview of the development of classic rock music. Intended for non-music majors. Includes the study of significant artists and their recordings in a social and historical context. 4 credits.
  • MUS-104 Voice Class I

    Basic fundamentals of correct singing (posture, breathing, tone production). Beginning studies in vocal repertoire. 2 credits.
  • MUS-105 Voice Class II

    Continuation development of principles and techniques studied in first voice class. Designed for students with prior singing experience. 2 credits.
  • MUS-106 Piano Class I

    First year piano for students with little or no keyboard knowledge. Early study is devoted to keyboard orientation and functional keyboard skills. Later, the study of the styles and literature of the piano is pursued through standard repertoire. 2 credits.
  • MUS-107 Piano Class II

    Continuation of Class Piano I. For students with some previous keyboard training. Knowledge of basic rudiments of music is assumed, and emphasis is placed on developing pianistic fluency through standard repertoire and finger exercises. 2 credits.
  • MUS-108 Guitar Class I

    Introduction to guitar skills. Intended for students with no guitar skills. Emphasis is on achievement of basic proficiency in chord playing, note reading, strumming patterns, and basic finger styles. 2 credits.
  • MUS-109 Guitar Class II

    Continuation of MUS-108. Emphasis is on chord playing, note reading, strumming patterns and basic finger styles through learning various songs. Also designed for students with prior guitar playing experience. 2 credits.
  • MUS-111 Basic Musicianship I

    GER: VP (Visual and Performing Arts)
    Prerequisite: Department Permission
    Introduction to music fundamentals, basic principles of voice leading, and harmonic progression through development of complementary skills in analysis, composition, improvisation, music technology, sight-singing, ear training, and at the keyboard. 4 credits.
  • MUS-112 Basic Musicianship II

    Prerequisite: MUS-111 
    Ongoing study of voice leading, diatonic harmony, basic modulation, and small forms through continued development of complementary skills in analysis, composition, improvisation, music technology, sight-singing, ear training, and at the keyboard. 4 credits.
  • MUS-113 Composition Seminar

    Prerequisite: instructor permission
    Issues and topics relevant to contemporary music in general, current day compositional methods, techniques and literature in particular, and forum for presentation and discussion of works by invited guests, faculty, and students. May be repeated for credit. 1 credit.
  • MUS-120 Introductory Music Literature

    Prerequisite: MUS-111 
    Exploration of important composers and works, topics will include: recurring cycles of classicism and romanticism, performance practice, sacredness in music, the nature of creativity, translations of vocal music and the changing roles of the composer, performer and audience in society. 2 credits.

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