2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 30, 2025  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administrative Policies

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Academic Integrity

Furman University is an academic community where men and women pursue a life of scholarly inquiry and intellectual growth. The foundation of this community is a spirit of personal honesty and responsibility, as well as mutual trust and respect. In order to maintain trust between members of the university community, faculty and students must adhere to certain basic ethical principles in regard to academic integrity. A violation of academic integrity in any form is a fundamental offense against the integrity of the entire academic community and is always a threat to the standards of the college and to the standing of every student. In taking tests and examinations, doing homework, laboratory work and writing papers, students are expected to perform with honor.

One of the most common forms of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of another’s expression or ideas as if they were one’s own. In other words, it is a form of cheating and as such is not tolerated in academic communities. To avoid plagiarism, students should acknowledge their sources, using whatever form of documentation is appropriate to the discipline in which their work is being done. In particular, they must be careful to indicate the use of directly quoted material by appropriate punctuation (quotation marks) and forms of citation. They should be aware, however, that undocumented paraphrase and summary also constitute plagiarism. Whatever is borrowed from a source must be acknowledged. Outside the academic community, plagiarism (among other things) is prosecutable under copyright laws. Within the academic community, it is subject to severe penalties which range from failure of the assignment in question to failure of the course in which the plagiarism has been committed. Repeated and/or flagrant plagiarism may be punished by suspension or expulsion from the University.

The ultimate responsibility for behaving with integrity rests with the student. If at any time students are uncertain about what constitutes plagiarism or about any other form of academic dishonesty, it is their obligation to consult with their faculty so that they fully understand what is expected of them. Additional information about Furman’s policy and expectations in this area may be found on the University web site on academic integrity (www.furman.edu/integrity). Honesty within our academic community is not simply a matter of rules and procedures; it is an opportunity to put personal responsibility and integrity into action. When students accept the implicit bonds of trust within an academic community, they liberate themselves to pursue their academic goals in an atmosphere of mutual confidence and respect.

Administrative Course Withdrawal

Students who exceed the maximum allowed absences for a course (15% for new students and 25% for returning students) may be administratively withdrawn from that course by the Associate Academic Dean and will receive an F in the course.  Students with medical issues or other severe personal circumstances may be granted a late withdrawal from the class by the Associate Academic Dean.  Upon notification of the withdrawal, the student is no longer eligible to attend that class.

Administrative University Withdrawal

Occasionally, a student’s behavior constitutes a danger to other persons and/or property or is disruptive to the community, other individuals or educational processes of the University. In such cases, the Vice President for Student Life or designee, in concurrence with other professional resources, may impose administrative withdrawal from the University. A student withdrawn under this procedure may not be re-enrolled in the University without approval of the Vice President for Student Life or designee. Prior to approval, the Vice President for Student Life or designee may outline certain requirements to be completed by the student and/or parents or guardians.

  • The student may not be eligible to attend classes and may not be allowed to continue residing in university housing unless approved by the Vice President for Student Life or designee.
  • Parents and family will be notified by the Vice President for Student Life or designee in the case of an administrative withdrawal due to disruptive behavior to others, the community or the educational process.

Appeal of Administrative University Withdrawal

If the student wishes to appeal a decision to invoke administrative withdrawal, the University shall give the student 72 hours in which to request a “show cause” hearing to provide the student with the opportunity to demonstrate why the action should not take place. The student and the student’s parents/legal guardians will be given an opportunity to meet with the Vice President for Student Life or designee. All pertinent information will be reviewed with the student and the student will have the opportunity to respond to all information discussed and may present additional information, including an independent psychiatric or psychological evaluation.


General Policy Statement

The service and consumption of alcohol beverages on the campus of Furman University has been delegated by the Board of Trustees to the administrative jurisdiction of the President of the University. Consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and with oversight from the Board of Trustees, the President (or their authorized designee) shall establish administrative policies relating, among other things, to the venues at which alcoholic beverages may be served or consumed, the requisite supervisory protocols for such venues, and any special conditions for particular events. This administrative policy has been adopted subject to (i) the continuing applicability of the University’s student conduct and student organization codes currently in effect relating to the service and consumption of alcohol beverages by students of the University and (ii) the Board of Trustees’ directive that the University will neither apply for nor obtain in its own name any license for the service of alcohol beverages. The President or their designee shall report to the Board of Trustees (or its designated Committee), at least annually, any revision or other change to this administrative policy or to any of the other policies or protocols of the University relating to the service or consumption of alcohol beverages.

Approved Venues

The following locations and venues at the University are authorized for service and consumption of alcoholic beverages, provided that such activity at the venue is supervised and regulated by the University’s food service provider or other University approved catering service, utilizing the third party’s alcohol licenses.

  • Amphitheatre 
  • Cherrydale Alumni Center 
  • Hartness Pavilion, Trustee and Faculty Dining Rooms 
  • Furman University Golf Course 
  • Garden Room of the Chapel 
  • Herring Center for Continuing Education 
  • Paladin Tower at the Football Stadium 
  • Timmons Arena 
  • The David E. Shi Center for Sustainability 
  • The Vinings Clubhouse 
  • Trone Student Center 
  • Younts Conference Center

Religious Ceremonies

When approved and supervised by the Associate Vice President for Religious Life or their authorized designee, wine may be used during religious ceremonies in the Charles Ezra Daniel Memorial Chapel.

Special Conditions for Student Events

Student Government Association recognized student organizations may host events involving alcohol in the above referenced venues and locations on campus. Approved student organizations are required to follow the procedures outlined in the Furman University Student Handbook and by their national organization risk management policies. All approved student events must be supervised by the Furman University Police or their designees at the expense of the organization and the service of alcohol must be supervised and regulated by University’s food service provider or other University approved catering service, utilizing the third party’s alcohol licenses.

Special Events Approved by President

For any event not directly involving attendance and participation by students, the President of the University, on a case-by-case basis, may authorize the service and consumption of alcohol at other venues on the Furman campus to persons of legal drinking age.

Student Housing

The consumption of alcohol beverages in the North Village and Vinings apartment complexes is permitted inside the individual apartment units by persons of legal drinking age; however, the consumption of alcohol at these complexes is not allowed outside the apartment units. Individual student and student organizations use of alcohol, including at these housing complexes, are otherwise under the governance set forth in the Student Handbook.

Bias Incident Response

I. Introduction

Furman University is a person-centered community, emphasizing the prime worth of persons and encouraging concern for others. Acts that are an affront to this core value of the institution will not be tolerated. Accordingly, Furman has implemented a Bias Incident Response & Support (BIRS) plan.

II. Purpose

The BIRS plan addresses bias incidents occurring within the University community that involve students, staff, faculty, and visitors to campus.

BIRS is not a disciplinary procedure. Rather, the BIRS plan ensures that an individual who perceives they are the victim (Complainant) of a bias incident have access to appropriate support systems. Furthermore, the BIRS plan coordinates the response to incidents affecting campus climate. In all but the most severe cases affecting campus climate, the University will honor the wishes of the Complainant(s) when determining an appropriate response. In so doing, the University seeks to empower the Complainant.

Examples of support offered by the BIRS plan include:

  • Assigning a trained support person;
  • Connecting faculty to their faculty ombuds;
  • Connecting staff to their staff ombud;
  • Connecting students to counseling services, chaplaincy, or student success coordinators;
  • Adopting reasonable interim measures such as housing relocation, academic assistance, etc.; and
  • Other support efforts designed to ameliorate negative effects the Complainant(s) may experience.

Sample responses offered by the BIRS plan include:

  • Initiating appropriate investigative and disciplinary processes for violations of University policy;
  • Arranging mediation when safe to do so;
  • Notifying the campus of the incident when appropriate;
  • Facilitating dialogues, awareness campaigns, etc. either across campus or in targeted populations;
  • Tracking trends to develop interventions and preventative strategies; and
  • Other measures designed to stop biased behavior and prevent reoccurrence.

The BIRS plan does not override the responsibility or authority of any University office designated to address complaints of alleged discrimination, harassment or hate crimes. Rather, it seeks to complement the work of these offices.

III. Definition of a Bias Incident

A bias incident is any intentional or unintentional act or behavior directed toward an individual or group based on any facet of the individual’s or group’s identities. Bias incidents may take the form of, but are not limited to:

  • Graffiti or signs
  • Threatening physical and digital communications
  • Written or verbal slurs or threats
  • Telephone harassment
  • Confrontation (physical or verbal)
  • Gestures
  • Physical injury
  • Damage to property

The expression of an idea or point of view some may find offensive or charged is not necessarily a bias incident. As a community of liberal learning, Furman University maintains its commitment to freedom of inquiry and excellence in the quest for truth.

For the purposes of the BIRS plan, a bias incident includes any of the following:

IV. Preserving Evidence

Preserving evidence is essential to the University responding to bias incidents. Please act immediately to preserve evidence.

If you experience or witness a bias incident, please do the following to document it:

  • If you experience a written slur or discover graffiti, do not erase it.
  • If you have a camera or cell phone camera, take a picture of any evidence, such as physical injury, damaged property, or a license plate.
  • If the incident is verbal, please write down exactly what was said to the best of your recollection.
  • Retain the contact information of any possible witnesses.

V. Procedures for Reporting Bias Incidents

Students, staff, faculty and visitors to campus who perceive that they have experienced a bias incident, as well as those who are witnesses to a bias incident, are urged to report it immediately by one of the following means:

  • Complete the Online Report
  • Complete an in-person report to:
    • Dean of Faculty (faculty), 864-294-3043, Administration Building
    • Furman Police (faculty, staff, student, or visitor to campus), 864-294-2111, 011 Hipp Hall
    • Human Resources (faculty or staff), 864-294-2217, Suite 108 Lay Physical Activities Center
    • Student Life (student), 864-294-2202, Suite 215 Trone Student Center
  • Additionally, Complainant(s) may choose to report-anonymously or not-via:
    • The Furman’s Campus Conduct Hotline at 866-943-5787
    • The Live Safe App available for iPhone or Android (choose Furman as School or Agency)

VI. BIRS Plan Implementation

  • All reports received will be reviewed by the Chair of the Bias Incident Response Team and the Title IX/ADA Coordinator or their designees (BIRS Leaders).
  • BIRS Leaders or their designees will apprise the Senior Administrative Team as appropriate.
  • The Complainant(s) who files the report will be contacted within 24-72 hours by a support person (BIRS Support Person) from the Bias Incident Response Team; reports will be prioritized by severity of the alleged incident.
  • BIRS Leaders may convene additional members of the University to make recommendations regarding response and support. If warranted by the severity of the incident, a University response to the incident will be developed and implemented in a timely manner.
  • Concurrent with the BIRS plan, the University may conduct investigations into violations of University policy using existing processes such as, but not limited to, the Sexual Misconduct Policy, Student Conduct Procedures, or University Grievance procedures.
  • The BIRS Support Person will maintain communication in order to advise the Complainant(s) of response and support options and advocate for Complainant(s) throughout response and support plan.
  • BIRS Leaders will maintain record of incident, support, and response.

VII. Bias Incident Response Team

The Bias Incident Response Team includes members of the University community who are available to serve as a BIRS Support Person to students, staff, faculty and visitors to campus who may have experienced a bias incident.

Members of the Bias Incident Response Team include:

  • Neil Jamerson, Chair (Student Life)
  • Kristin Austin (Human Resources) 
  • Jim Benes (Facilities) 
  • Henry Blake (Furman Police)
  • Rob Carson (Academic Assistance & Athletics) 
  • Courtney Firman (Housing & Residence Life)
  • Muhammad Zakaria Shafqut (‘19)
  • Katie Stover (faculty, Education)

Grievance Process

Disputes may occasionally arise between members of the Furman University community.  For complaints related to behavior that violates the Student Conduct Code or Housing Policies, refer to the appropriate sections outlining procedures for resolving those complaints.  Students having serious complaints about any other matter at the University are strongly urged to attempt an informal reconciliation with the parties involved. Complaints should be presented openly, without fear of reprisal and as soon as possible following an incident.

If a student elects not to pursue the matter informally or if the informal resolution does not resolve the differences, the student may initiate a formal written complaint. Complaints which involve only students should be sent to the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students and will be resolved according to the student conduct procedures outlined in the Student Handbook. Complaints which involve a faculty member should be sent to the chair of the department for that faculty member or the Dean of the Faculty if the faculty member involved is the chair of the department.  Complaints which involve a staff member should be sent to the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources.

If, at any step in the process, a designated decision maker was involved in the substance of the grievance, those individuals will not participate in any way in the disposition of the grievance. Anyone who submits a good faith complaint, either informally or formally, will be protected from retaliation or discipline. Any student who willfully makes accusations that are proven to be false will be charged with a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Inclement Weather

Decision-making process and notification

Class schedule changes are decided by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or their designee, who will be provided information on weather and road conditions from various sources. If during the evening hours, it is known that the weather will affect campus classes and activities the following day, efforts will be made to make a decision by 10:00 p.m. so it can be included in the local newscast. Efforts will be made to make a decision by 6:00 a.m. for adverse weather occurring during the night. Between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., the weather and temperatures can change unexpectedly, having an adverse affect on road conditions. Since people generally listen to only the initial announcement, the University cannot make immediate changes. Common sense safety precautions should be taken.

  • Notification will be made to local radio and TV stations by Marketing and Public Relations (MPR).
  • MPR will also post this decision on Furman’s web page.
  • Messages will be sent via email and/or text message through the Furman Emergency Alert System. Confirm your emergency contact number is entered correctly by visiting MyFurman.
  • Individuals may call the University’s weather line at 864.294.3766 for a recorded message.

Operating hours of Dining Hall, Duke Library and Trone Student Center

At the end of the recording at 864.294.3766, the caller will be advised for the Library, Dining Hall and Trone Student Center hours, to press “0” now. This will take the caller to another recording with that information. Each of these areas has access to their recording to make updates as needed.

Delay in starting classes and reporting for work

If a decision is made to delay classes, the announcement will indicate a specific time for the start of classes and reporting to work. These times will be based on one of the class starting times as outlined below. Students should go to the class that starts at the time the University has opened.

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday and Thursday - 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., or 11:30 a.m.
  • Decisions about evening classes are made separate from day classes.

Campus activities

If inclement weather affecting road conditions occurs during the weekday afternoon or on a weekend, individuals will be advised to contact sponsors of various campus events and activities for information.

Special work requirements

Some areas on campus (i.e. University Police, Student Health Services, Trone Student Center, Dining Hall, Housing and Residence Life, Library and Facilities Services) must continue to provide services. Each of these areas has developed staffing plans for inclement weather and should review their plan with all employees in their department at this time. Employees should be directed to contact their supervisor for work hour information. University Police do not know and cannot authorize work schedules for other departments.

Interim Withdrawal

As a general rule, the status of students accused of violating University regulations shall not be altered until a final determination has been made in regard to the charges against said student. However, the Vice President for Student Life or their designee may impose an interim withdrawal upon finding that the student’s presence on campus constitutes a threat to the physical safety and well-being of the accused or of any member or guest of the university community or that said student’s presence threatens the orderly progression of university academic or extracurricular activities. The student may not be eligible to attend classes and may not be allowed to continue residing in university housing unless approved by the Vice President for Student Life or designee. A student conduct hearing shall be scheduled within five (5) class days with the appropriate student conduct body and said student shall be notified of the hearing date, time and location.

If the student wishes to appeal a decision to invoke interim withdrawal, a “show cause” hearing must be requested within 72 hours of receipt of the letter outlining the decision. The hearing will provide the student with the opportunity to demonstrate why the interim action should not take place. The student and the student’s parents/legal guardians will be given an opportunity to meet with the Vice President for Student Life or designee. All pertinent information will be reviewed with the student and the student will have the opportunity to respond to all information discussed and may present additional information, including an independent psychiatric or psychological evaluation.

Missing Student

Most missing student reports occur in the University environment as a result of a student changing their normal routine and failing to inform roommates or friends of this change. Upon receiving a missing student report, the University Police Department will conduct a preliminary investigation in order to verify the report and to determine the circumstances which exist relating to the reported missing student.  If the student is not located or otherwise accounted for during the preliminary investigation, the Furman Police are required to place the missing person on a national police alert system (NCIC), and notify local law enforcement agencies.  Students can designate a contact person who will be notified within 24 hours if a student is believed to be missing by visiting MyFurman online.  A parent/guardian will also be notified if the missing student is under the age of 18, or it is necessary in the course of the investigation.  Contact information is confidential and will only be accessible to authorized campus officials. Missing student reports should be referred to the University Police at 864.294.2111.

Peaceable Assembly

Peaceable assembly is allowed on campus with approval from the University Police who can assist with identifying appropriate venues/locations for such activities. At the same time, it is affirmed that this University should not be expected to provide a platform for persons who would be obscene, who would advocate immorality or who would incite to violence. Such persons are offensive to the purposes of a liberal arts college that aspires to academic excellence, and the University will not be a platform for such purposes.

One of the marks of a vital university is freedom of inquiry and expression. Indeed, such a freedom is the mark of a free and democratic society. Education, as contrasted with indoctrination, must provide the student with a wide spectrum of views on vital issues. It is the responsibility of the University, as well as one of its purposes, to help the student learn to distinguish fact from myth, objectivity from bias, tolerance from intolerance. The student should learn to think rationally and reach valid conclusions. The student who is not exposed to varying views on an issue may be denied opportunity to learn the elements of rational thinking.

Consequently, the student could miss one of the most important aims of education. Only in a spirit of free inquiry can the student be prepared to assume the responsibilities of constructive citizenship. It is further affirmed that the appearance of guest speakers does not imply approval or endorsement of the views expressed by the speakers, either by the sponsoring group or the University. The University will not serve as a legal shield for speakers in any matter related to their statements or actions on the campus.

Violence or the use of force is not anticipated on the Furman campus. However, in the event either should occur, all members of the Furman student body, faculty and administration should be fully aware of the policies enumerated below:

  1. The right to peaceable protest will be protected but students or others on campus are not guaranteed and will not be permitted the right to interfere with orderly administrative and educational processes. There shall be no use of violence, force, obscene or indecorous language or conduct in protest or demonstrations.
  2. The right of approved speakers to present their views on campus without heckling or disturbance will be protected.
  3. Approved business, professional, industrial, governmental or other recruiters or representatives will be permitted to carry out mutual objectives on campus without handicap or prevention.
  4. Any Furman student found responsible for violating any of these policies will be referred to the student conduct process and/or arrested.
  5. Anyone who is not a student or employee of Furman University will be denied entrance to the campus or required to depart from the campus if it is reasonably expected that the person will violate or advocate violation of any of these policies.
  6. If it becomes necessary to call upon civil authorities for assistance in maintaining order on campus, these civil authorities will be obeyed. 

Posting of Signs and Banners

The University recognizes the need for registered student groups and other University sanctioned organizations and individuals to communicate their activities, services, and ideas to the campus community, as well as the need to provide a visually pleasing and organized setting for the campus community to receive such communication.

Only enrolled students, registered student organizations and campus departments may post signs or banners on campus. All items to be posted must have the name of the individual student or registered student organization and/or department clearly identified as the sponsor or the words “sponsored by (name of organization)” on each item.  Chalking is only allowed to advertise specific events, can only occur one week prior to the event, and must be removed the day after the event.

The University retains the right to deny posting of any materials on campus. Questions about any part of this policy should be referred to the Office of Student Life.

The following guidelines are intended to outline the procedures by which such organizations and individuals can display and promote campus-related events and programs.

  1. Promotion of illegal drugs or any other illegal activities in text, graphic or any other form is prohibited. Promotion of alcohol is prohibited except when previously approved by the Assistant Vice President for Student Development or his/her designee. 
  2. Individuals or groups found damaging or tampering with another group’s publicity prior to an event’s occurrence, for any reason, unless otherwise instructed to remove the publicity, will potentially lose the privilege of posting publicity through that medium in the future and may be charged with a student conduct violation.
  3. Materials should not overlap or conceal other items. Persons who post are asked to be considerate of others who have posted. Posting is on a first-come, first-served basis, and is dependent upon space limitations. 
  4. Signs may be posted on bulletin boards in any academic building. Signs posted elsewhere in academic buildings will be removed. 
  5. Chalking may only occur on exterior sidewalks or roads not commonly used for vehicle traffic. Chalking building walls, interiors of buildings, or roads commonly used for traffic is not allowed.
  6. Signs cannot be posted on exterior doors, windows, floors or painted surfaces. 
  7. Signs or flyers to be posted in the Trone Student Center stairwell mezzanine or in the PalaDen must be brought to the Information Center in the Hill Atrium and left with the attendant to be displayed. Flyers/signs must be 8-1/2” x 11” or 11” x 14” in size, and will be posted for two weeks, or until the end of the event, whichever comes first. Only one flyer per organization per event may be displayed in each area.  Digital flyers may be submitted to the Assistant Director of Student Organizations & the Trone Student Center for posting on digital displays.
  8. Signs or flyers posted in campus housing must be approved by Housing and Residence Life before being posted and should conform to all of the guidelines of the Posting of Flyers Policy found in the Student Handbook. These flyers may only be hung on gripper strips. 
  9. All signs and chalking should be removed by the originating party within 24 hours after the event has concluded. 
  10. Posting of signs or banners in the dining hall is available at the banner area and the bulletin boards at the entrance of the dining hall. All signs and banners will be taken down for special events at the manager’s discretion. Additional regulations include the following: 
    • No on-table promotions are allowed in any Dining Services operation except for Dining Services events. 
    • Informational flyers may be posted on the bulletin boards located at the entrances to the dining hall. 
    • Banners may not be any longer than floor level of the dining hall mezzanine. 
    • Banners may not be hung on railings. 
    • All banners must be dated, indicating the day the banner is hung. Banners will be removed after 7 days. If an individual and/or group wishes to keep the banner, it is the responsibility of the individual and/or group to return to the Dining Hall within the 7-day time period to take down the banner. Writing “do not move” on the banner does not grant the banner permanent residence. 
    • Dining Services is not responsible for hanging banners or deciding which banners are hung in which spot. 
    • Dining Services is not responsible for any lost or stolen banners. 
    • When setting up or removing a banner, all trash must be cleaned up by individual and/or group.

Violation of the Posting Policy may result in the removal of the items. Additionally, sponsoring individuals and/or organizations may be subject to follow-up with the Vice President for Student Life and/or designee. Responsibility for interpreting the University Posting Policy shall reside with the Vice President for Student Life and/or designee.

Responsibility for Student Properties

Although precaution is taken to maintain adequate security, the University cannot assume responsibility for the loss of or damage to student possessions. Students or their parents are encouraged to carry appropriate insurance to cover such losses.

When students are driving personal vehicles in relationship to University activities and are involved in an accident, the student’s personal automobile insurance will be the primary insurance. This is an insurance industry standard applicable to all personal vehicles used for business reasons. The University’s automobile insurance will act as secondary coverage if limits exceed the coverage on a student’s vehicle.

Risk Management/Off-Campus Programs and Release Forms

As the University’s engaged learning programs have grown, so have off campus activities supporting these programs. As described in File 367.1 of the University Policies and Procedures, insurance coverage is in place for programs that take place on or off campus. Risks involved with off campus programs are greater and more difficult to control, and additional precautions are needed to best protect the University, its students, faculty, and staff. Program directors are responsible for assessing the risks involved with the management of their off campus programs and for collecting and maintaining files of Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreements according to the following guidelines. Risk Management and off campus programs are described in File 367.5 of the University Policies and Procedures.

  1. Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreements are not required for faculty and staff travel. Furman employees are covered by insurance and this coverage includes General Liability, Foreign Liability, Excess Liability, and Workers’ Compensation insurance.
  2. Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreements are required any time a student leaves campus as part of some Furman-related course, organization, or activity. This includes, but is not limited to, internships, off-campus research, courses involved in service learning, and class field trips. In addition, this applies to activities that are not officially sponsored by the University if the off-campus activity or event is directed by or required by a University official/employee.
  3. Signatory Requirements:
    • Consent, General Requirement, and Indemnity Agreements for students traveling to other countries, and all students under the age of 18 will require the signatures of parents or guardians.
    • Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreements for students 18 and older who are traveling within the United States will require the signature of the student traveler only.
  4. Courses or programs that require students to leave campus several times during the term for field trips or similar activities may fulfill this requirement by securing one release at the beginning of the term. The release should be clearly worded to cover the activity for the full term of the course or program. Two examples of this are intern programs that require repetitive visits, and Heller Service Corps travel.
  5. Basic information required of all off campus programs, provides a “release” section, the language of which should not be altered unless approved by the Risk Manager or Legal Counsel. Additional space is provided for the program director to include other important provisions and agreements.
  6. The program director should keep a file of the Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreements for no less than seven (7) years.
  7. Questions about the administration of this policy should be directed to the Risk Manager at Facilities Services.

Search and Seizure

The University reserves the right to enter and/or search a student’s room, vehicle or personal property for any of the following reasons:

  • it is believed an emergency exists; 
  • it is believed a university violation is occurring; 
  • the well-being of other students is at stake; or
  • for purposes of facilities maintenance.

Student staff members do not thoroughly search student rooms without approval from a full-time university official. However, they are allowed to open closets (for the purpose of a visual search only), to look under beds and to open and remove items from refrigerators and coolers. University officials may conduct a thorough search including, but not limited to, opening drawers, emptying bags, looking in closets, etc. A university staff member may enter a student room during a fire alarm or drill to make sure that the residents have evacuated the building.

Any property that is confiscated during an incident and determined to be contraband (i.e. alcohol, drinking game paraphernalia, drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, etc.) will be disposed of by Student Life staff or stored in the evidence locker by the University Police.

Sexual Offender’s Law

Any student designated by law enforcement agencies as a sex offender is required by law (SC 23-3-450) to register with local law enforcement agencies where they reside, even in temporary residence locations such as a college residence hall or apartment. Each academic year, the registration should be completed with the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office and updated as needed.

Student Businesses

Furman University believes student entrepreneurship fosters creativity, business management and ethical leadership, and thus is supportive of such engaged learning. Students interested in launching and/or operating a business on campus must submit a formal proposal to the Director of Auxiliary Services. The Director of Auxiliary Services will provide feedback and advise the students regarding further work necessary for consideration or recommend the proposal to be reviewed by the Student Businesses Committee. This committee is co-chaired by the Director of Auxiliary Services and the Faculty Chair of the Business and Accounting Department. A $75 administrative fee is required to supplement the cost of this review. Student businesses may only be operated by enrolled undergraduate students in good standing with the University. Approval is only granted for one year and students must submit a request to have their business plan reviewed by the Committee for an annual extension. Student business owners/operators must adhere to Furman’s solicitation policy, University Policy 72.1 (electronic communication and web content), and Housing and Residence Life policies. Furman University reserves the right to revoke its approval of a student business at any time.

Student Information

Notice of Student Rights with Respect to Education Records (FERPA)

A. Student Information Rights

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and its subsequent regulations provides students of Furman University certain rights with respect to their education records:

  1. Students have the right to inspect and review their own education records (with certain limited exceptions) within 45 days of the date that the University receives the student’s request for access. A student wishing to inspect or review his or her education records must submit a request in writing to the appropriate office identified below identifying the records the student wishes to inspect and review. Arrangements for access will be made, and the student will be notified of the time and place where the records may be inspected and reviewed. 
    • Requests for education records should be made to the following offices: 
      • Requests for academic records should be directed to Enrollment Services - University Registrar (Administration Building, 864-294-2030). 
      • Requests for records related to academic misconduct should be directed to the Office of the Academic Deans - Associate Academic Dean (Administration Building, 864-294-2064). 
      • Requests for records related to student conduct should be directed to the Division of Student Life - Vice President for Student Life (Trone Student Center, 864-294-2202). 
    • Requests for any records not specifically listed here should be directed to the University Registrar. 
  2. Students have the right to ask the University to amend education records that they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy rights. 
    • Process for Requesting an Amendment of an Education Record: 
      • A student must first confer informally with the custodian of the education record. (The custodian of the education record is the University official heading the applicable office identified in the preceding section; this individual is responsible for creating and maintaining the education record.) The student must (a) clearly identify the part of the education record he or she wants amended and (b) explain why this disputed part is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of his or her privacy rights. The custodian of the education record shall decide whether to amend the record as requested within a reasonable time after he or she receives the request. If the custodian of the education record decides to amend the record, he or she will amend the education record and notify the student that the record has been amended as requested. If the custodian of the record decides not to amend the record as requested, he or she shall inform the student of his or her decision and of the student’s right to a hearing pursuant to the provisions in the following section. 
      • If a student is not satisfied with the decision of the custodian of the record, he or she may submit a written request for hearing to the Associate Academic Dean. Additional information regarding hearing procedures will be provided to the student at that time. 
  3. Students have the right to provide consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information contained in their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. 
    • The University can make disclosures such as the following without students’ consent: 
      • Disclosures to “school officials” with a “legitimate educational interest” in the information. A “school official” is any person employed by the University; any person or company under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of the education records and with whom the University has contracted to provide a service or function that the University would otherwise use its own employees to provide (such as an attorney or an auditor); any person serving on the University’s Board of Trustees; or any student serving on an official committee, such as a conduct board or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a “legitimate educational interest” in a student’s education record if the official needs to review the education record in order to fulfill the official’s professional responsibility; if the official is acting for the educational benefit of the student; or if the information in the record is necessary to perform a task related to the discipline of a student or to provide a service or benefit relating to the student or the student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement, or financial aid. 
      • Disclosures of students’ “Public Information,” as that term is used in Section (B) below. 
      • Disclosures to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, after first making a reasonable effort to notify the student (except as prohibited by the order or subpoena).
      • Disclosures to parents of a student if the student is a dependent for federal tax purposes. 
      • Disclosures to parents of students under the age of 21 regarding the student’s violation(s) of the University’s drug and alcohol policy, provided that the student has been found responsible by the University for such violations. 
      • Disclosures in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary for such purposes as to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of or the conditions for the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. 
      • Disclosures to another higher education institution where a student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled, so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer. 
      • Disclosures to appropriate parties in connection with a health or safety emergency if knowledge of the information in the education record is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. 
    • Information on other disclosures that can be made without students’ consent is available from the University Registrar. 
  4. Students may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning an alleged failure on the part of the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA and its implementing regulations. Inquiries should be directed to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-4605. 

B. Notice of Intent to Disclose Certain Public Information:

As required by FERPA, Furman University hereby provides current students notice of its intent to disclose the following personally identifiable information relating to them: name, name of parents or spouse, local address and telephone number, home address and telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, field of study, class year, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees, honors, and awards received, most recent previous educational institution attended, and identification photograph (“Public Information”).

This allows for the routine release of information that will help the student, such as to potential employers and to other interested and appropriate parties.

Students who desire that their Public Information not be released without their consent can manage access to this information via the MyFurman online tool where changes will be applied prospectively.

Student Media

The Furman University student communications media function as a means of bringing student concerns to the attention of the faculty and University authorities, of helping the University community formulate opinion on various campus and off-campus issues, and of providing a forum for debate. The student communications media will operate free of censorship. (The term “censorship” in reference to student communications media shall mean any attempt to threaten or coerce any editor, manager or staff member of a student-run publication in order to prevent the dissemination of any factual account or the expression of any opinion, or generally, to hinder the free flow of ideas.) Student communications media are governed by the constitution of the Furman University Student Media Board (on file in the Office of Student Life). The board’s responsibilities include the appointment and removal (as needed) of editors and managers. Editors and managers will be responsible for developing their own editorial policies and methods of news coverage within the framework of the philosophies and objectives of the University. Because Furman University, designated publisher of the student publications, may have to bear the legal responsibilities for the contents of the publications, certain policies are considered inherent in the editorial freedom granted to student editors and managers. These policies include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Avoidance of publication of statements of libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, harassing statements, the use of innuendo and attacks on personal integrity.
  2. Observation of any applicable regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.
  3. A show of regard for Furman University standards, philosophies and objectives.
  4. A statement on the editorial page that the opinions there expressed are not necessarily those of the University or the student body.

Tailgating at Major Athletic Events

Furman University provides the opportunity for tailgating at approved venues on the Furman campus for football and other major athletic events.  The requirements established for tailgating are intended to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for students, alumni and guests. 

Tailgating is permitted for alumni and campus guests (Non-Student Tailgaters) in the athletic event parking lots adjacent to an individual’s parking space as designated by the Athletics Department and/or Furman Police Department.  Tailgating that is not adjacent to a parking space must be reserved by registering 14 days in advance with the Athletics Department

Non-Student Tailgaters will be permitted to set-up no more than four (4) hours prior to the start of the athletic event.  Tailgating ends at the start of the athletic event. The tailgate area must be cleaned up, all belongings removed (i.e. furniture) and Furman-provided tents lowered no later than two (2) hours after the conclusion of the athletic event.  Rented tables and chairs may be left for Facilities Services to collect.

Open alcohol containers are only permitted for Non-Student Tailgaters who are 21 and older in the area adjacent to an individual’s parking space as set out above.  Students may only consume alcohol in the designated location for student tailgating (see Student Tailgates).

  • Non-Student tailgating is strictly a “BYOB” event in which individuals who choose to bring their own alcoholic beverages, limited only to beer and wine products, are solely responsible for their disposition and individually assume all liability associated with their choices.
  • Individuals are responsible for and expected to follow all federal, state, and local laws, as well as students must abide by the Student Conduct Code and all student organization, group and team policies.

The following behaviors are strictly prohibited:

  • Public urination
  • Littering in or around tailgating areas
  • Activities/games that encourage binge drinking
  • Public drunkenness
  • Throwing beer cans or other items
  • Intentional disruption of other tailgating areas
  • Inappropriate language, aggressive behavior or other misconduct that is disruptive to the Furman community

Other Rules:

  • Staking tents is prohibited.  Tents may be held down with sandbags or weights.  Shallow sprinkler, electric and natural gas lines run under all tailgating areas.
  • Electrical extension cords may not be run across sidewalks or roads.
  • Charcoal grills are prohibited.  Gas grills are permitted and a fire extinguisher is required.
  • Tables, chairs and tents may not be removed from other tailgate spots.
  • Trash must be placed in the provided trash bins or bagged and left next to the trash bins.


All individuals are expected to be good neighbors.  Individuals who feel their neighbor’s music is too loud and/or offensive are encouraged to talk with their neighbors about the disturbance and/or contact the Furman Police if the disturbance fails to cease.  Individuals are expected to comply with reasonable requests.


Catering is available (not required) through Furman Catering.  Click here to order online.  Orders must be received by 2:00 p.m. at least three (3) business days before the athletic event.


Non-Student Tailgaters in violation of the tailgating policies are subject to action taken by the Furman Police and/or local law enforcement, to include being trespassed from University property.  Students in violation of the tailgating policies are subject to action taken by the Furman Police and/or local law enforcement, as well as University disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Further guidelines for students, student organizations, groups and teams are available at Student Tailgates.

Threat to Self

The University’s policy and the requirements outlined below are designed to help students and their families through a difficult time by ensuring the student’s safety and assisting the student in minimizing the risk of suicide or self-injury. The policy and requirements are in no way intended to punish or further distress an already troubled student. The policy is intended to provide a structure for responding to behavior that is of concern to students and faculty/staff and is not intended to supersede confidentiality and reporting obligations that apply to health professionals. The University cannot ignore risks to personal health and safety and must take every reasonable step to assist a student who attempts or threatens suicide or engages in self-injurious behavior. The University must consider not only the well-being of the individual student, but also the well-being of the entire campus community. Any student who comes to the attention of the University administration due to an attempt or threat of suicide or acts of deliberate self-injury may be subject to the following guidelines:

  1. The University’s first priority in these situations will be assessment of the student’s medical needs and any ongoing risk of harm to self or others. Appropriate professionals should be consulted in order to gather expert opinions about the medical and mental health needs of the student and the level of risk associated with various options.
  2. Students who exhibit behavior that indicates risk to self will be referred for professional assessment at the earliest possible time and at their own expense. The assessment may involve medical evaluation by a physician to evaluate health status and may require mental health assessment by a licensed mental health professional. The licensed mental health professional may be either a University Counseling Center staff member or a licensed therapist of the student’s choice. Students referred for assessment due to concerns about risk of self-harm may be asked to sign a release permitting communication between the professionals conducting these assessments and appropriate University officials.
  3. Once the student has been evaluated and the results have been shared with the University, the Vice President for Student Life or designee will determine the recommended course of action. The Vice President for Student Life or designee may consult with other University personnel in considering various factors. Consideration will be given to the recommendations of evaluating and treating professionals based on their assessment of the student’s condition and needs. Additional consideration must be given to the capability of current resources to meet the student’s needs and concern for the well-being of the entire campus community. Students who have been subject to this policy and who continue enrollment at the University will be expected to comply with the general standards of the student conduct code. Continued enrollment will be contingent upon the student’s success in controlling the behavior of concern.

Use of Furman Symbols and Logos

The University recognizes the need for registered student groups and other University sanctioned organizations and individuals to be allowed creative freedom to communicate their activities, services, and ideas to the campus community. It is also considered important for said groups to use Furman University symbols and logos appropriately. Information on the display and/or use of University symbols and/or logos may be accessed here.