2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 13, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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REL-344 Black Liberation and Womanist Theologies

GER: WR (Writing-Research Intensive) and UQ (Ultimate Questions)
Prerequisite: any first year writing seminar
The history, provocations, themes in and critics of black liberation theology and womanist theology. Writers studied include: James Cone, Dwight Hopkins, Emilie Townes, Katie Cannon, and Jacquelyn Grant. Examining the ways in which these writers construct “blackness” and the role of Christian theology and ethics in addressing black oppression and white supremacy. Also, critics of black liberation and womanist theology. Examining the writings of critics like Anthony B. Pinn and Victor Anderson and discussing their critiques of black liberation and womanist thought. 4 credits.

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