2023 - 2024 Graduate Academic Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Expenses

General Fee Policy

The university reserves the right to change tuition and any other charges at the beginning of any term if such a change is judged necessary by the Board of Trustees. In recent years, Furman has seen a rapid increase in expenses. While every effort is made to keep operating costs low, it is probable fees for academic years subsequent to this year will be increased as costs rise.

Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee will be assessed for all students applying to a graduate program.

Enrollment Deposit

To reserve a place in the university, students who plan to enroll at Furman may be required to submit a non-refundable enrollment deposit fee. This payment is not covered by scholarship or financial aid.

Students will see their enrollment deposit applied to first semester charges.

Enrollment deposits are not refundable to students who decide not to enroll or who withdraw from the university prior to the conclusion of the add-drop period during their first semester of enrollment.

Payment of Fees

Fees must be paid in full to begin enrollment. For all students, fees are payable prior to the start of each term for all students: 

Term Payment Due Date
Fall 2023 - GS in Ed Schedules A and B August 11, 2023
Fall 2023 - GS in Ed Schedule C September 29, 2023
Fall 2023 - MA AES, MS CEM, MASD August 15, 2023
Spring 2024 - GS in Ed Schedules A and B December 8, 2023
Spring 2024 - GS in Ed Schedule C February 9, 2024
Spring 2024 - MA AES, MS CEM, MASD January 1, 2024
Summer 2024 - GS in Ed Schedules A and C TBD
Summer 2024 - GS in Ed Schedule B TBD
Summer 2024 - MA AES, MS CEM, MASD TBD


Refund Policy

The university is committed to expenses based upon the enrollment anticipated at the beginning of each term. Refunds are granted in certain circumstances as set forth in this section; however, tuition will not be reduced or refunded regardless of the mode of instruction, including in the event that instruction occurs remotely for any part of the academic year.

Percentage of term complete Class meeting information Refund amount
<=5% completed Before the 2nd class meeting 90%
>5 to <=15% completed Before the 3rd class meeting 75%
>15% to <=25% completed Before the 4th class meeting 50%
>25% to <=30% completed Before the 5th class meeting 25%
More than 30% completed After the 5th class meeting No Refund

Veterans Administration benefits will be reported as required by the approved agency.

Personal Expenses

Books and Supplies
Students should plan to purchase books and supplies. Students are permitted to charge required books and supplies to their student accounts, regardless of financial aid status. While this option to charge books and supplies to the student account is not a requirement, it can help provide flexibility for students with financial need to purchase these items prior to the start of classes.

Group Medical Insurance
Furman does not provide medical insurance for its students. Students should check with their family insurance provider to ensure that they will be adequately covered throughout the enrollment period.

Miscellaneous Expenses
Most recreational facilities on-campus are for use without charge. A small fee is assessed to students for use of the golf course and indoor tennis courts.

Additional Fees and Expenses to Consider

Enrollment deposit Varies by program
Late enrollment $100
Graduate parking permit $10

*A system and credit card fee can be assessed by the institution for any transactions.

Tuition Exchange, Inc. (TE)

Children of employees of TE participating institutions are eligible to be considered for the Tuition Exchange.

Furman’s policy for any given academic year is TE “imports” (students attending Furman as a TE student) will not exceed “exports” (children of Furman employees attending another TE college) by more than three students.

The TE benefit is renewable for three years provided the student meets satisfactory academic progress. With the exception of the Lay and Duke Scholarships, the TE benefit replaces any Furman merit or talent-based scholarship already awarded to the student. Those students awarded the Lay and Duke Scholarships will receive those funds in addition to the benefit, up to the remaining cost of the comprehensive tuition fee for Duke Scholars and up to the remaining cost of the comprehensive tuition fee, the Student Government Association fee, the weighted average room cost and funds to cover the maximum meal plan for Lay Scholars.

TE benefits may be used for Furman-sponsored, faculty-led travel study programs only. All other study away programs are ineligible for TE benefits.

Interested students must specify that admission is being sought under the TE program, apply for all federal and/or state aid for which he or she may be eligible, and submit an TE certification form completed by the appropriate official at the home institution certifying their eligibility for the TE program. Eligible students must meet Furman’s normal admission requirements.

Faculty-Staff Tuition Remission

Find out more specific information from Human Resources about this benefit.