2014-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Modern Languages and Literatures
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Professors: W. Allen (Chair), Bartlett, Bost, Cox, Friis, Kearns, Maiden, Manyé, Patton, Prince, Yagi
Associate Professors: Bessy, Cass, Kuoshu, Lozano-Alonso, Massei, Rasch, Zhang
Assistant Professors: Knouse, Rippon, Schmidt-Hori
Lecturers: Culberson, Leal, Strickland, Tokunaga
Modern Languages and Literatures offers courses focused on languages, literatures, and cultures found throughout the modern world. The department offers majors in French, German Studies, and Spanish; it also participates in the Anthropology, Asian Studies, Chinese Studies, and Japanese Studies majors, and the English for Speakers of Other Languages, Film Studies and Latin American Studies interdisciplinary minors. Extensive offerings are also available in linguistics, while the department provides beginning courses in Hindi and Italian as well.
All new students who have previously studied French, German, or Spanish should take a placement test in that language. Placement tests are mandatory for any student who intends to continue in a language previously studied. The placement test determines the lowest level at which students may receive credit and where they will begin their study of the language at Furman. Students may opt to begin a new language.
Students who have previously studied Chinese or Japanese will meet with the appropriate language coordinator to determine placement.
Students may not enroll in a modern language course through the pass-no pass grading option until they have satisfied the general education requirement in foreign language.
All majors in the department must enroll in at least one course in their major language during both their junior and senior years. All majors are strongly encouraged to participate in a study away program before their senior year as well.
Majors wishing to be certified to teach French or Spanish must successfully complete LNG 210 , either FRN 305 or SPN 305 , MLL 450 , a study away experience, and EDU 111 , EDU 120 , EDU 221 , EDU 350 , EDU 460 , EDU 472 , and EDEP-670 in addition to other prescribed courses in the major. The requirements for certification (teaching internship) will be completed on a post-baccalaureate, graduate credit basis, with the student becoming eligible for certification at the end of fall term following graduation. Refer to the Education section of this catalog for specific requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program and other pertinent information. MLL 350 is a further option for students wishing to teach English to non-native speakers.
Language houses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish are located in the North Village residential complex. Amid the residential apartments, there is a common area devoted to the programmatic and informal activities of the language houses. This suite is equipped for meals and seminars, offers cable television and computers for student use, and has a direct link to the multimedia resources of the Language Center. Students can apply to live in the houses for their sophomore, junior or senior years. Students living in the houses are expected to make a one-year commitment to the program and to speak the target language in the house. To facilitate that effort, a native-speaking resident in each language lives in the house and helps to coordinate program activities. All students participating in the language house must enroll in a year-long course sequence (numbered 265 and 266) offered in conjunction with the program.
ProgramsBachelor of Arts
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